After Granny moved into her new home, she changed her membership to Brother Guillory's church in Westlake. Granny's prayers were constant, but it was in this little country church that God first spoke to my heart. To this day, I remember paper fans stored in racks behind each pew, open windows, dinner on the grounds, and a evangelist's sermon. He held a sheet of paper in front of him and told the church that in the next service he would show how a man could walk through the paper. I begged mama to let me go, but it was a school night, and by then, both she and daddy were out of church. I never heard the end of the story. 

Cedar Street Church - (First Church of Westlake, LA)

Uncle Johnny was in the service and married to Aunt Lenore (middle row). He, like Daddy, called me his sweetheart. He was my first hero and I loved him more than any other person in our family. Aunt Lenore made me laugh and Uncle Johnny sent me gifts from all over the world. A Geisha doll was my favorite. I spent hours studying the doll's perfect hands, face, and clothing.

Though Uncle Charles was shy, and Mama scolded him for spoiling me, he bought me endless supplies of ice cream. I felt cherished and protected by these wonderful uncles.

Uncle Charles and a friend

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