Shortly after Roger was born, Brother Joe Duke, a blind holiness preacher “commenced to preaching" tent revivals on English Bayou. Brother Duke had preached up and down the West Fork since 1914, but this time, Aunt Leonia convinced Granny to attend. As Brother Duke preached the Word, a light came on in Granny's life. According to Sister Alma (Pujol) Reeves, Granny prayed through a lot of pain that night. Many years later I married Sister Reeves’s grandson.

After Granny attended the tent revival, she, Aunt Leonia, Aunt Flora, and Grandma Welch continued to read their bibles at home. They visited several churches but could not find their place. Then, Aunt Eveilean told them Grandma needed to be baptized in Jesus name. This made the sisters angry but, the next service night, they visited Brother Evan’s church in Lake Charles.

Granny had four children living at home, Aunt Leonia had two, and Aunt Flora had two. Granny bobbed her hair, and each of the sisters had gained weight. As a result, their dresses were very tight and very much above their knees. However, Granny was going to check this Holy Ghost thing out. so, all of them, including Granddaddy, Uncle Hez, and Uncle Jack, loaded up the cars and headed for town.

Granny said they looked like Napoleon’s army marching down the center isle of Brother Evan’s little church. When it came to salvation, Granny never left anything to chance. She led her family all the way to the front of the church and sat in one of the pews.
Brother Evans
Brother Evans won twelve souls that night, and they say he laughed about the way it started for the rest of his life.

Brother Evans' Church in Lake Charles

Granny found peace - and with the peace came praying men and women who stood by her for the rest of her life.

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